life moves faster than you think

Friday, October 12, 2018

i look at myself in the mirror.

my eyes feel heavy...not with age, but with unshed tears. i study the pores, the wrinkles, the lines, the sun damage blotches that are painted across my cheeks - none of those bother me.

no, it's my puffy eyes. they are desperately trying to shield the world and myself from seeing too deeply.

there's a silent voice that speaks no words, but needs to be heard and understood. i keep busy and do all the responsible adult things, willing myself to be normal, but it's not working.

i need to sit and own this truly honest, be truly raw and unfiltered. however, finding the right door to walk through isn't easy - i want a logical stream of consciousness, but instead, i find myself in a box with multiple balls and lasers bouncing off the walls and surfaces. i have no idea how to catch any of them, let alone follow and keep track of all their directions. and the more i try, the more i find myself mentally and emotionally bruised and burned.

i could walk out of this room and close the door behind me, but what i really want to be is radical - to see myself smashing the walls and glass to free the balls and laser beams following their kinetic trajectory in full force.

the truth - i hurt.

i want a child. i want to get pregnant. i want to experience motherhood. but none of these things have happened yet - in part because i'm a master of sabotage and self-sabotage. my hormones are off and my ovulation cycles aren't launching properly. i have a 5% chance of getting pregnant, and like many woman my age opting for the IUI approach, i want to be part of the successful statistics. but there are so many factors that could turn this into a failure...and so far, i know i've unconsciously misguided myself with half-fast intentions and convictions.

old habits and old narratives die slow deaths.

2018 was supposed to be the year where I was to be more selfish. but life has been a blur...we're already in the last stretch of the year with the leaves finally starting to change. it won't be long before i'll be looking up at the last few stragglers still gripping firmly to the branches, almost daring me to reach up and pluck them to join their friends and family on the ground.

like the attached leaves, i'm still unwilling to let go, despite the universe telling me and showing me that life could be different. i want to dare greatly, but self-doubt and fear are old friends, turning my intentions of self-care into binge-eating, tv watching and social media addictions.

that's what's behind the puffy eyes - the truth that i've been hard on myself and not hard enough. i keep holding on too hard to the wrong things - my self-pity and my self-doubt, while not holding hard enough to my intentions nor fully owning actions to do everything possible to make things happen. had i played my cards right and really committed right from the start, i might have been closer to being part of the 5% club of mamas. but i'm not.

it's a humbling realization.

"you must make a choice, to take the chance, or your life will never change."
"intentions can change reality."
"be a priority in your life."
"stop waiting. life moves faster than you think."

life is moving fast - i see that as my little nieces and nephew grow and develop month after month. i'm on side with time, and though sometimes it makes me anxious running in synch together, the steps i'm taking to make things happen are worth it. i'm learning to do things in good faith, and now having a better understanding of what being true to myself means to me...or more precisely, how it feels. i've often heard celebs and other social media influencers talk about "being true to themselves", but i always found it to be something shallow and hallow: it's the soundbyte of the decade. but how could i have known what it was or how it would feel? i've never made myself a priority in life. that's the intention i have put forward - i am a priority in my life and this is the choice i am making. 

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