Introducing Hewey...

Sunday, November 17, 2013

About 18 months ago, I submitted an application to adopt a rescue dog. At the time, I simply wanted a dog, and after researching different breeds, I finally chose the west highland white terrier. I felt my life needed a change, a little shake up - and what better way than to open my home to a dog in need.

Then I got a different kind of shake up - I was raped.  All thoughts and desire for a pet went out the door.

About a month after the rape, I received a call that there was a westie in need of a forever home. I was flooded with excitement, fear, anxiety, joy, happiness. I was also plagued with doubts. Was I doing the right thing? Will I make a good dog owner? Can I do it on my own?  Can I give him what he needs?

Hewey's first night - tired and a little overwhelmed
Before I went to pick up my dog, I spent a lot of time searching for a new dog name, finally choosing the name Hewey, the Scottish form of the old French Hugues, meaning heart, mind, spirit. The name felt right and it would come to represent what we are to each other, in particular as we both embarked on our respective healing processes.

As Hewey adjusted to his new environment and overcame his anxieties, I found my own courage to face my own past, my secrets, my fears and some hard truths. He has inspired my inner confidence, taught me to trust and be vulnerable, to value patience and the present, as well as showing me the meaning of unconditional love. He has provided me with security and stability during a time I was spiraling out of control.  He may have his independent and tenacious streak, but his affection and faithfulness has rescued me...and for that, I am truly grateful.

Hewey's 1 year adoptiversary

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